HIPAA and Records Integrity
It is the policy of US MED® to maintain files in electronic format or physical file folder for members who receive services from the Company. This policy includes active members who regularly receive Company services, and those who purchase services through third-party payer sources. A separate record is maintained for each member. Records maintained are legible, clear and complete and appropriately authenticated and dated. These records, whether in electronic or paper format, are maintained in a secure manner to prohibit unauthorized access as per the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. There are a number of things we at US MED® can do to protect the privacy of our members such as:
- Don't discuss member's private health information (like condition and medical products they're receiving, etc.) with callers other than the member unless the member grants you permission to do so. If the member is unable to respond, determine who the callers are. (Are they family members, friends, etc.?)
- Never leave members Medical Records unattended in public places, such as the front desk area.
- Use a screen saver on your computer when not in use.
- When discarding paper copies of member identifiable information, ALWAYS use the locked shredder bins.
- Never send out a fax with a members PHI without a cover page with disclaimer on it.
- When faxing, double check the number to ensure its going to the correct fax number.
- Do not fax out member's Medicare numbers.
HIPAA was created to prevent the improper use and/or dissemination of our member's Protected Health Information and we must do all we reasonably can to protect their PHI.