URAC Accredited
URAC is an independent, nonprofit health care accrediting organization dedicated to promoting healthcare quality through accreditation, education and measurement. URAC accreditation is recognized and accepted by many different segments of the healthcare industry and by many federal and state government agencies as a measure of a healthcare organization's quality. The URAC accreditation seal serves as a visible symbol of our commitment to quality and accountability.
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® Accredited
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) has been accrediting websites offering pharmacy services since 1999. NABP® recognizes the need to help safe and legitimate pharmacies with an internet presence stand out against the ever-growing list of rogue and illegal websites - 95 percent of the thousands of online pharmacies reviewed by NABP® were operating out of compliance with U.S. pharmacy laws and practice standards. US MED is proudly accredited by the NABP® organization.
.Pharmacy Accredited
In 2014, the NABP created a verification program that grants the use of the .Pharmacy domain to legal online pharmacies that comply with drug and professional practice laws. The .Pharmacy Verification helps consumers to easily recognize websites that are safe to purchase prescription drugs from. Over the past several years, the NABP identified over 35,000 websites that failed to comply with member safety and pharmacy practice standards. US MED® is one of the approved pharmacies on the short list of .Pharmacy Verified websites. Unverified websites have been known to sell medications with dangerous fillers, such as drywall material, and pills that fail to treat your medical condition.